Who We Are
About Us
Case Mountain Cabin, Inc. is a Non-Profit organization in Manchester, Connecticut dedicated to historic preservation and outdoor recreation, focused mainly on the Case Mountain Recreation Area. Founded April 3, 2023, Case Mountain Cabin, Inc. is completely volunteer operated. The organization was created by key members of the "Friends of the Cabin" grassroots movement as a vehicle for doing business with Town Government and Staff, as well as other contractors.
What We Do
First and foremost, the goal of Case Mountain Cabin, Inc. has been to urge Manchester's leadership to preserve, rather than demolish the historic cabin located on Case Pond.
Case Mountain Cabin, Inc. has access to a vast network that can provide Engineering and Consulting Services, Building and Related Labor, and a deep bench of willing volunteers!
Our Vision
This Adirondack style log cabin is a special part of Manchester's history. It enriches the beauty and character of the Case Mountain Recreation Area. We believe that faithful preservation of this cabin will pay dividends to future generations, by honoring the past and teaching the history of our wonderful town.
Similar examples in Manchester include The Keeney Schoolhouse and The Cheney Homestead. Both of these historic sights provide people of all ages the opportunity to get up close and experience a hands-on history lesson.
Much like a lighthouse on the shore, the cabin on Case Pond is set in nature. It is enhanced by the beauty around it. Along with a history lesson, a visit to the cabin offers a nostalgic experience. Passing hikers can sit on the porch and enjoy a feeling just like one hundred years before. A child skipping a stone across the pond, just like a young Wells Case Dennison might have.
Our Plan
Case Mountain Cabin, Inc. has proposed a phased preservation plan to stabilize, rehabilitate, and maintain the cabin property. The layout of the phases is conducive to spreading out over time, depending on multiple factors including cash flow and project oversight (whether Town of Manchester, Case Mountain Cabin, Inc., or combined effort.)
• Phase 1: Address issues posing immediate danger to the building, both on the inside and outside.
• Phase 2: Refine, Decide, Plan Phases 3, 4, 5; Engineering Work
• Phase 3: Remaining Exterior Tasks Needed
• Phase 4: Remaining Interior Tasks Needed
• Phase 5: Maintain
Our Board
Our board is comprised of proud Manchester residents with diverse backgrounds in Engineering, Project Management, Public Service and Municipal Management, Woodworking and Building Trades, Tree and Landscape Work, Historical Preservation and Curation, and Outdoor Space Conservation.
Matt Panecki - President
Mark Connors - Vice President
Susan Barlow - Secretary
Phil Radding - Treasurer
Open Seat
Malcolm F. Barlow - Legal Counsel
Stephen Belmore - In memoriam